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L-otet qe me rrjedhin zemra me coptohet
A-ndaj te kaluares qe tani me kujtohet.
M-e fjalet e fundit, tani po te shkruaj
T-e them LAMTUMIR dhe ti me thuaj.
U-re kaluese te jet kjo dashurija ime
M-e tjetren te shprehi urime
I- riu gabon njeher ne jete
R-asti yne ka qene, dhe do te jete i shkrete.

Per Shkollen

mesuesja  hyri ne klas
hapi deren me nxitim
nxirrni nga nje flete perpara
sot keni provim

vajza bjonde e trishtuar
uli koken me insistim
se nuk dinte te bente
kete provim

kur e pa keshtu djaloshi
beri kopje me nxitim
dhe ia hodhi vajzes bjonde
qe po e priste me padurim

vajza bjonde e gezuar
mori kopjen me nxitim
u habit kur e pa te shkruar

W h e n ...

When its rainning

When the saky is blu

when the day by day

i love you

In my picture you are

in my room you are

in my dream you are

other you are

 My mind say go around

with you with another girl

my mind say go around with you

with another love

 I walk in my home

and i dont know

what i can do

for you

girl i love you

girl i love you 


Too often we don't realize

what we have until it is gone

Too often we wait to long to say

"I'm sorry-I was wrong."

Sometimes it seems we hurt

the ones we hold dearest to our hearts;

And we allow foolish things

to tear our lives apart.

For too many times we left

unimportant things into our minds

And then it's usually too late

to see what's made us blind

So be sure that you let people know

how much they mean to you

Take that time to say the words

before your time is through.

Be sure that you appreaciate

everything you got

And be thankful for the


that means a lot.


So you want the day off. Let's take a look at what you are asking for.
There are 365 days per year available for work. There are 52 weeks per year in
which, you already have two days off per week, leaving 261 days available for
Since you spend 16 hours each day away from work, you have used up 170 days,
leaving only 91 days available.
You spend 30 minutes each day on coffee break that accounts for 23 days each
year, leaving only 68 days available. With a 1-hour lunch period each day, you
have used up another 46 days, leaving only 22 days available for work.
You normally spend 2 days per year on sick leave. This leaves you only 20 days
available for work. We are off for 5 holidays per year, so your available
working time is down to 15 days.
We generously give you 14 days vacation per year, which leaves only 1 day
available for work, and I will be damned if you are going to take that day
If this is not your case...oh well at least you might ask for a raise.

Prandaj te lutem ti mos harro,
se po i humbe ato skthehen jo........


Via del Campo c'e` una graziosa
gli occhi grandi color di foglia
tutta notte sta sulla soglia
vende a tutti la stessa rosa

Via del Campo c'e` una bambina
con le labbra color rugiada
gli occhi grigi come la strada
nascon fiori dove cammina

Via del Campo c'e` una puttana
gli occhi grandi color di foglia
se di amarla ti vien la voglia
basta prenderla per la mano

E ti sembra di andare lontano
lei ti guarda con un sorriso
non credevi che il paradiso
fosse solo li` al primo piano

Via del Campo ci va un illuso
a pregarla di maritare
a vederla salire le scale
fino a quando il balcone e` chiuso

Ama e ridi se amor risponde
piangi forte se non ti sente
dai diamanti non nasce niente
dal letame nascono i fiori

thanks by meri

"Jeta eshte mundesi, perfito nga ajo. Jeta eshte e bukur,adhuroje.
Jeta eshte enderr, jetoje. Jeta eshte sfide, perballu me te.
Jeta eshte loje, luaje. Jeta eshte detyre, plotesoje.
Jeta eshte e shtrenjte, vleresoje. Jeta eshte pasuri, ruaje.
Jeta eshte dashuri, shijoje. Jeta eshte mister, zbuloje.
Jeta eshte dhimbje, sfidoje. Jeta eshte kenge, kendoje.
Jeta eshte tragjedi, shmangiu. Jeta eshte fat, perfito.
Jeta eshte aventure, kujdes. Jeta eshte shume e çmuar, duaje.
Jeta eshte lufte, mesohu dhe me te. Jeta eshte jete, lufto per te..."

Ah,rinia jone

Kenge e dridhur si tel lahute,
ze i humbur Malit te Sharit,
ender ne enderrat tona,
gure ne zemrat tona.

Ah,rinia jone.

Rrodhi vrullshem
si perronjet e Malit te Sharit,
e pas la gjurme,
la dhembje,
la plage ne jeten tone.

Ah,rinia jone.

Deshem t`a gezojme
por e lotuam,
deshem t`a shijojme
por na e helmuan,
deshem t`a jetojme
por e lame me gjak.

Ah,rinia jone.

Lindi ne Dimrin e Madh,
u rrit ne netet me shi,
trendafil ne mes te shkembit shpertheu,
e ererat e humben ne pakufi.

Ah,rinia jone.

Kenge e dridhur si tel lahute,
ze i humbur i Malit te Sharit,
enderr ne enderrat tona,
gure ne zemrat tona.

Ah,rinia jone,
treti ne pakthim.

Si s`te pashe kur u nise

Kur te vije vjeshte e ftohte
e perzier me shi,
do te pres me padurim
kur do te kthehesh ti.

Ti shtegtare bishtgershere
a do me tregosh
vendin tim si e ke lene,
Piroki si eshte ?

Si s`te pashe kur u nise
per me shkue n`ate ane,
te te jape nje porosi
qe ne shpirte e mbaje ?

E te shkosh buze nje kanali
buze nje mali te tere,
te shiqosh nje shtepi perdhese
e nje nene te mjere.

Do te shetitish fshatin tim
fushe me fushe,e perrue me perrue,
dhe te lutem kur te vijsh
per te gjitha me me tregue !

Per ate fshat ku kam ndejtur
ku shtatembedhjet vite i kam shkue,
ku kam qajtur,ku kam qeshur
rinin time ku e kam kalue.

Ndoshta shkon ne shkollen time
ku kam mesuar ABC-ne,
aty ku per here te pare
kam mesuar per memedhene.

Kur te bije muzgu e te kthehesh
mbremjeve erdhe me pushue,
do te shiqosh nenen time
punet e dites tu`i mbarue.

E do te ulet me pushue
jo nga lodhja por,nga malli,
kur te ndegjon ty tuj kendue
do ti shkon mendja ke djali.

Do ti shkojne dy pika loti,
lot nga malli - lot per djale,
do te te thote : oj dallendyshe
pse s`ma thue vetem nje fjale ?

U thyen dy kohe

Vdekje - lindjet tona numeruam ate nate
Kur shikoheshim sy me sy
balada me kenge zjarri
fshiheshin ne brendi
Erdhe me nje pushke te gravuar
nga mbikohet
e pime uje gurre percjelle me melodine
e gurgullimes se saj e ushtimes se moteve
e u ushqyem me kripe mbi buken kollomoqe
Ne enderr me vinte nje kalores me nje Nuse
Ne ballin tend lexoja qendresen
ku fantazmat thehen
bjeshket perrcjellin jehonen
ata vijne por nuk kthehen.


Me thuaj ti kosovar
Me ke te te krahasoj ?
Me henen,
Me yjet,
Me diellin,
Me shijen e jetes,
Me jehonen e se vertetes,
Me nimfat antike,
Me zanat kreshnike
Apo me syte dhe zemren time ?
Eja te te shoh
i vetmi shprese e imja.
Se syte e mi
I kallin flake feneret e qyellit
E behen me te shndritshem
Se rrezet e diellit
Kur shofin syte e tu qyellore.

I miss you
and you know that
I love you
but you will never find out that
Everytime i see you
i get caught up in your eyes
they have that deep look
that makes me wonder
what are you thinking about
Everytime i see you
my heart beats so fast
you could actually see the beating
through my chest
Everytime i see you
i become short on breath
i nee oxygen to breathe
which i get from your kiss
Everytime i see you
my legs tremble
and i lean on you
so that to walk i can be able
Everytime i see you
my mind freezes
i am not able to speak
and not even think
I miss you
and you miss me too
I miss you
and i wish we could go somewhere
just me and you
We can stay there as long as you want to
The point is that i miss you
and you know it
The point is that i love you
and soon you will know it.